What is the NICS Library?

The NICS Library is a single library service that can be used by all staff in the NICS. Our online catalogue and resources are available on your desktop by following the link below to the NICS Library Service website.

 - NICS Library Service

What services does the NICS Library provide?

The NICS Library provides an information & enquiry service, book loans and access to a range of online resources to all NICS staff. This can be accessed via the NICS eLibrary catalogue.

When are the opening hours of the NICS Library Service?

You can access the NICS eLibrary to search the catalogue, place reservations and consult your online library account at any time. Lanyon Plaza Library and Craigantlet Buildings Library are open to NICS staff Monday to Friday 9am-4pm but please contact us in advance to ensure a member of library staff is available. 

CAFRE libraries vary, so check the opening hours for each library.

How do I join?

NICS staff can register by completing the form at the link below. By completing this form you are agreeing to return material borrowed on time or when requested by the library. 

How do I find out what books and other material the Libraries have?

You can search the online catalogue or contact us with your request.

Can I request a book or other item that is not in the catalogue?

Yes. If we do not have a book that you are looking for please suggest it through your library account, by email or by submitting the Ask a Librarian form.

How do I get a book I have requested?

We will send books out to your office address via the Whistl postal service or you can collect books directly from the Library if that is convenient for you.

How many items can I borrow at one time?

NICS staff may borrow up to 20 books, while CAFRE students can borrow up to 6 books.

How long can I keep library items?

This depends on the sort of material you want to borrow. Four weeks is the standard time for most material (two weeks for CAFRE students), but longer loans may be available on request. There are some exceptions, when loans may be for shorter periods. Language courses are usually available for at least 3 months at a time to allow a reasonable time for progress to be made with your chosen language.

How do I return an item I have borrowed?

You can return an item to the NICS Library via the Whistl service to NICS Library Service, Room 55, Craigantlet Buildings, Stoney Road, Belfast, BT4 3SX or drop it into Reception at either Craigantlet Buildings or Lanyon Plaza, marked for the attention of the NICS Library Service. If you are not sure of the best way to return an item, contact us and we will be able to advise you.

All items borrowed from the CAFRE College libraries which includes Greenmount, Loughry and Enniskillen can be returned via Whistl post from your office.

Will I be reminded when my books need to be returned?

Yes. You will be reminded by e-mail as soon as your books are due. To renew these loans, either reply to the overdue and this will be arranged or renew them online through your library account, as long as the item has not been reserved by another borrower.

Can I renew overdue items?

It may be possible to renew your material if it is not required by another customer. You can either email the NICS Library or renew your books through your library account.

How can I see a list of new stock?

The NICS Library Service homepage has a running slideshow of recent publications. If you would like to borrow any of these titles, click on the front cover image, log into your library account and place a hold.

Can I contact a library for information?

Yes. Submit the Ask a Librarian form or contact us by email with your enquiry and a member of library staff will reply to you as soon as possible.

Are there restrictions on photocopying?

Copyright legislation restricts the copying of books, journal articles and other material, including electronic or online information. Library staff can give general advice about this.

Please note that Library staff can only photocopy for work-related purposes.

How do I access electronic journals via EBSCO or Science Direct?

You can access these resources via the list of online databases on the NICS eLibrary website. Helpsheets are available with instructions on how to search them. If you would like any training on using the databases or are looking for a specific journal or article that you cannot find then contact us via the Ask a Librarian form. 

Can I access databases from home?

Yes. Access to most of our databases is via IP recognition so you will be able to access these directly from your work laptop. Once you have registered for the Idox Information Service you will be able to access it at home by logging in using your username and password. Contact us if you require more information.

How can I access the eBooks in your collection?

The NICS eLibrary's eBook collection is available via 2 platforms - Ebook Central and VLE Books platform and you can search for ebooks either via the catalogue where a link will take you directly to the ebook or browse the titles on the platforms. Follow step by step instructions on our quick guide.

How can I request training on NICS eLibrary resources?

You can request individual or group training on NICS eLibrary resources by sending an email to nicslibrary@finance-ni.gov.uk.

How do I source a full text journal article?

If you have searched our databases and are unable to find the full text of a journal article, we will endeavour to supply this as quickly as possible from another source. Please follow the link below to submit the details of your request.

Your information

Here at the NICS Library Service we take your privacy seriously and will only use your personal information to administer your account and to provide the services you have requested from us. From time to time we would like to contact you with details of other services we provide, however if you would prefer that we did not contact you please let us know.