Guide to CAB Abstracts Archive

The NICS Library Service has recently purchased the CAB Abstracts Archive which is comprised of 17 printed abstract journals produced between 1910 and 1972 and includes over 1,860,000 records on agricultural science, veterinary medicine, nutrition, natural resources, animal diseases and food production.

You can search these databases a couple of ways:

1. Carry out a search of the CAB Abstract database as well as the other databases the NICS Library Service subscribes to via the Ebsco Discovery Service at the link below. Carry out your search then under the Refine Results options on the left hand side turn off the “Full Text” and “Available in Library Collection” Limiters to see all available results. If you wish to further limit these results to CAB Abstracts only then go down to the “Content Provider” limiter, and select “CAB Abstracts Archive” and to limit your search results to this source only.

2. Via EBSCOhost and selecting CAB Abstracts Archive from the list of available Ebsco databases and Continue. You can then carry out a search of the databases.

Where the full text article is available from another full text database a link will be provided. If not contact the NICS Library Service with the details and we will try to obtain the article from another source.

Please contact library staff on or on Ext 24401 if you have any questions.